Tuesday, May 6, 2014

DC in the Spring

Here are some photos from a recent trip to DC. I was hoping to see a lot more cherry blossoms but I guess we were a week too late. 

There were about 3 trees with their cherry blossoms intact. I spent a lot of time with them. :)

abr+lmt's feet.

That's me plotting world domination! In DC you can't help but feel powerful. :)

I would have been happy to just spend time adventuring around Union Station. It has so many gorgeous shapes patterns to photograph. These next two photos were taken there.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We're in Baltimore, hon.

The following photos come from my girlfriend's native homeland of Baltimore, Maryland. On this trip I learned that hon is a thing. You can put "hon" at the end of every sentence, hon. Catch my drift, hon? You're clever, hon. I have some photos for you to look at, hon.

Hons have big, beehive-like hair. Baltimore even has a HonFest where people wear their big hair all over the streets. Hons are a big deal.  So naturally, we visited Cafe Hon.

After watching Chef Ramsey's "Kitchen Nightmares," I had to see it for myself. Who could not love a restaurant with an entrance like this one? 

Amanda took me ALL over creation. Here she is at the Inner Harbor, across from Federal Hill.

We missed the cherry blossoms in DC, but Baltimore was just about to peak.

Inner Harbor is awesome. 

I love Baltimore row house architecture and colors.

Another one from Inner Harbor.

 My pants matched the boat. That is all.

Mount Vernon. I think?

Wall murals are everywhere.

 Sometimes ABR walks into my photos. Okay, it happens all the time. :)