Sunday, August 3, 2008

new haven to nyc

My latest mission has been to take my camera with me places. And that sounds easy enough, but my camera weighs as much as I do. I think there are rocks inside it. I had grand plans to take great shots all over New York City. I was drooling at the thought of Brooklyn Bridge silhouettes and street shots of 80s hipsters in skinny jeans. At least that was my intention. But once in Manhattan I was so overwhelmed by everything the camera never left the apartment. Fear not, the camera had lots of experiences on its way to the Big Apple.

We started our trip from Union Station in New Haven. You have to walk through this time warp tunnel to get to the platform.

It looked like a little storm was coming into town as Sara scratched her head. Oddly enough, the weather guy said there was only a 30% chance of rain. That seems to be his favorite percentage these days. It turns out that 30% is another phrase for IMPENDING DOOM.

My model was getting a little annoyed with the frantic picture taking.
But once she saw this shot she thought she was hot.

All was well...until...

Boom! New Haven got struck by lightning just before we decided to hurl though space and time in a big hunk of metal train.

New Haven cried because we were leaving her for another city.


Anonymous said...

i need to steal away the camera some of the time so i can get your pretty face in some shots.

Frau Zinnie said...

awesome lightning!!!

Anonymous said...

I love how you New Haven-ites are so adoring of your city!