Thursday, September 18, 2008

More rocks out west

Sometimes when you are "out west" you find yourself driving down the windy hills, you're enjoying the gorgeous scenery when suddenly the car in front of you comes to a halt. You wonder why.

Could that be?

No. My eyes must be tired.

It's just not normal.

Is it a mirage?

Did that donkey just stick its' head in that guy's car??

This pack of free roaming donkeys took up shop in the middle of the road.

Sometimes you need a little help from a friend to get to that hard to reach spot.

This looks like a really touching moment, and I don't mean to ruin it for you, donkeys are lovely creatures, but this guy on the right is actually pushing the other one out of his way.

This rock structure here is part of The Needles Highway. The coolest highway ever! We got to drive through rock tunnels and climb on these babies.

Lauren and the needles.

Mama Warfield catches the photo bug and Sara strikes a pose.

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