Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Up, up, up

There's something you need to know about me. I take dares seriously, as some of you have learned after some very interesting survey questions I've answered. (Totally unrelated to hiking...) So when someone says they don't think I can do something or don't think I want a physical challenge, competitive-I'm-going-to-prove-you-wrong-Lauren rears her head. Tiff thought her dad and I wouldn't want to do a challenging hike up Cathedral Rock. Wrong, wrong, wrong. "I really want to climb that!" Her dad chimed in too. We were ready for this rock. It seemed small enough. And I thought the view from the top would be pretty fantastic. And so begins our little trek up Cathedral Rock.
Looks pretty flat...
But it's not. Let's climb up the butt crack of this thing!
And maybe it was a little steep in some spots. I started to worry about getting down at this point. But I had my pack mule with me, and some pretty thick pants, great for butt sliding.
Half way up...
And some more climbing...The rock cairns mark the "trail."
An hour later, some hikers look out from the top of the trail. (Squint those pretty little eyes of yours. They're small. Not small like midgets, small like far away.)
The magical view from the top...Can you see Tiff???
Every photographer yearns for the magic hour. It's that time when the light is nice and soft. Before sunup and during sundown. We were lucky to climb this rock as the sun was about to crest behind the mountains.
Dramatic shadows are cast everywhere. I thought I was going to die from all my photo options. There was something beautiful to shoot in each direction.
I'm going to guess that a bunch of my friends want to climb this thing.
There's a mini Tiff on that ledge!
Ahhhhhh, the magic hour, or golden hour. Dreamy.
So many of my photos have more sky in them than anything else. You can barely do that in New England...The infinite sky is hard to ignore in Arizona.
Another freaking rock... =)
The way down was a wee bit on the scary side. Lean into the rock...
And we made it! Unharmed. Praise.


Kathy said...

The prose, the photos, the praise.... You make the reader envy the up of the climb, the up of the sky, and the up of the rock. Thank you for sharing the adventure with your readers and friends. Now what about that survey? :)

Unknown said...

Yay for our wacky adventures! Now that I know you like to climb steep things there will be a lot more of that in our future! ;)

Lauren said...

Kathy, I'm glad you like it. You know I'm a validation monger. =) And for the survey, I blame Claire. Tiff, Where to next? Peru? I may need to get my lungs in shape for that!

Unknown said...

You have piqued my interest with those pics of spectacular views, peaks and valleys. I am definitely one of those ppl that would love the challenge of the vertical climb up those steep rocks and butt cracks. Lastly, I double dog dare you....

Lauren said...

Lez go to Peru! =)

Sara said...

Love love love the silhouette of the tiny people. Beautiful shots! Also, you look like your dad in that photo. :)

Lauren said...

Thanks! I'm pretty proud of that one. It kinda looks like it could be one of those "you can do it!" motivational posters, eh?